Sami's Falafel


Get split chickpeas, 4 decilitres is enough. Keep under water for couple hours.

Get rid of water. Squash chickpea's, use of cutting mixer or stick blener makes the task easy. When done add following substances to dough.

Your goal is to make moist dough. Not wet, or glue like. If the dough seem too wet add flour.

When you think you're done with dough taste it. If it's not good add something. If you chose to change the ingredients, just do not take out must haves highlighted with different font. Falafel is basically a vegetable ball, so you can use nearly anything non-meat. Potatoes, carrots, rutabaga, corn, spinach, dill, your imagination is the limit. Avoid anything terribly wet, melon would be really difficult to get working. All sorts of spices are good idea; peppers, turmeric, and herbs will most likely improve your falafel. The main point is; if dough tests good, the end product will be good.

The Algorithm - 2 persons needed

Put litre or so oil to pot and get it hot. Good temperature is not far from ignition point, or what ever make you a bit afraid.

Make balls out of the dough. Using two spoons is good method to do this. Size of a ball is roughly same what you would think a proper meat ball should look like. Avoid doing super large balls, they don't cook from middle at all.

The first ball is a tester. If ball breaks while boiling it your dough is too wet. Aim is to make balls crisp on surface soft from inside.

Once a test ball is successfully done it's time to make production line. One person rolls dough balls, while the another frying. Doing this alone is guaranteed misery with half of the falafel ending up either burned or raw.